Add another versatile custom accessory to your freedomRail storage system with a Nickel Sliding Clothes Valet Rod. This pull-out clothing valet mounts directly onto a freedomRail upright, the same as a standard shelf bracket, and provides convenient storage for clothing hangers. This rod is great for preparing your attire for the next day, or hanging clothes to dry in a laundry room.
Nickel freedomRail Sliding Hanger Valet Features:
- Constructed with heavy grade steel in a reinforced double body design
- Durable baked on epoxy finish
- Mounts onto a in seconds, similar to a standard shelf bracket
- Valet rod slides out for convenient hanging storage of clothing
- Smooth steel glide pulls out and retracts effortlessly
- Ideal for choosing attire for the next day, hanging garments while you dress, or keeping freshly ironed clothing wrinkle free